Bình luận Giao dịch hàng ngày_ Vẫn mãi hát khúc quân hành ca !!!

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Anh Mark like cái này mới khổ tôi chứ
" Successful investors don't fall in love with a stock and ignore when circumstances take a turn for the worse. THe goal is to make money not to prove you are right and stock market is wrong"
Anh Mark like cái này mới khổ tôi chứ
" Successful investors don't fall in love with a stock and ignore when circumstances take a turn for the worse. THe goal is to make money not to prove you are right and stock market is wrong"
Nghe nói anh Mark mới đu tàu đợt roài... chế hóng thấy ảnh cút lốt chưa... hay đang nuôi cuôn hốp :))
Nghe nói anh Mark mới đu tàu đợt roài... chế hóng thấy ảnh cút lốt chưa... hay đang nuôi cuôn hốp :))
It's time to start looking for new leadership. Going forward, it's likely that most of the FANG type will likely only be market performers.
The market is down pretty big today, but on average my stock pilot positions are only off about 2.3% from my purchase price at 25% exposure. Not feeling much pressure., yet. Need to see some buying come into the market soon. Stops set. Holding 75% cash until conditions improve.
It's time to start looking for new leadership. Going forward, it's likely that most of the FANG type will likely only be market performers.
The market is down pretty big today, but on average my stock pilot positions are only off about 2.3% from my purchase price at 25% exposure. Not feeling much pressure., yet. Need to see some buying come into the market soon. Stops set. Holding 75% cash until conditions improve.
FANG style = QUẤT MẠNH ?
Đậm (2) = câu này nghe quen à nha... đích thị ảnh nuôi cuôn hốp roài hehe..
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