Bình luận Giao dịch hàng ngày - Tự tin bước vào giai đoạn mới.

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Cứ mua doanh nghiệp rồi cho doanh nghiệp tgian là tự ok thôi chị nhỉ :)))
Chém gió tào lao nghe lúc nào cũng hay và hợp lý cả, dù tào lao cỡ nào. Đó là lý do mấy ông viết sách bán được sách hay bạn Vì bạn xứng đáng bên kia đông follower. Nhưng nghiên cứu thống kê một cách khoa học và nhìn thẳng vào thực tế thì ko phải vậy.
Biết kiên nhẫn chờ đơi khi thị trường ko ủng hộ mình đó cũng chính là bản lĩnh.
"To have any chance of real success, you will have to make some choices about how you are going to pursue that goal. Odds are that you won’t be the best value trader, the best growth trader, the best day trader, and the best long-term investor. If you try to do it all, you will most likely end up a mediocre jack-of-all-trades. You can’t say that a trader is a trader any more than you can say that a doctor is a doctor. Can a physician be the best brain surgeon, the best heart surgeon, the best psychiatrist, the best pediatrician, the best rheumatologist, and the best bone specialist? Of course not. Consequently, you will enjoy market cycles when your trading style outperforms other styles, and you will also learn to accept periods less conducive to your style. I doubt you will overcome these less favorable phases by adopting a different style each time you run into difficulty. When it comes to stock trading, I know no one who, for example, can successfully trade value in one cycle and then switch to growth the next or be a long-term investor one day and then a day trader to suit the market du jour. To become great at anything, you must be focused and must specialize"
Chém gió tào lao nghe lúc nào cũng hay và hợp lý cả, dù tào lao cỡ nào. Đó là lý do mấy ông viết sách bán được sách hay bạn Vì bạn xứng đáng bên kia đông follower. Nhưng nghiên cứu thống kê một cách khoa học và nhìn thẳng vào thực tế thì ko phải vậy.
Biết kiên nhẫn chờ đơi khi thị trường ko ủng hộ mình đó cũng chính là bản lĩnh.
"To have any chance of real success, you will have to make some choices about how you are going to pursue that goal. Odds are that you won’t be the best value trader, the best growth trader, the best day trader, and the best long-term investor. If you try to do it all, you will most likely end up a mediocre jack-of-all-trades. You can’t say that a trader is a trader any more than you can say that a doctor is a doctor. Can a physician be the best brain surgeon, the best heart surgeon, the best psychiatrist, the best pediatrician, the best rheumatologist, and the best bone specialist? Of course not. Consequently, you will enjoy market cycles when your trading style outperforms other styles, and you will also learn to accept periods less conducive to your style. I doubt you will overcome these less favorable phases by adopting a different style each time you run into difficulty. When it comes to stock trading, I know no one who, for example, can successfully trade value in one cycle and then switch to growth the next or be a long-term investor one day and then a day trader to suit the market du jour. To become great at anything, you must be focused and must specialize"
Văn nghe giống anh nào QLQ:2cool_sexy_girl:
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